Regular price 8,000 yen (tax included / no additional charge) Free trial play for 30 minutes
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー■通常価格8,000円(税込/追加課金無し)■お試しプレイ30分無料ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー【クラウドゲーム】【大容量ダウンロード不要】【Appサイズ軽量】[Wi-Fi推奨]Wi-Fi接続を介してお手持ちのスマートフォンやタブレットで高精細度なゲームがプレイできるクラウドゲームサービスです。※Wi-Fi設定および動作改善のヒントご利用端末のストレージ空き容量を気にせず手軽にプレイできます。*-*-*-*-*【ゲーム紹介】『信長の野望・創造 with パワーアップキット』は、歴史シミュレーションゲームの金字塔「信長の野望」30周年記念作品『信長の野望・創造』に新要素や追加要素が加わりパワーアップしました!プレイヤーは戦国大名の1人となり全国統一を目指します。戦争によって他国を征服するだけでなく、自国を富ませ、それによってより多くの武力を行使できるようになります。ズーミングで細かなところまでチェックすることができ、また視点を切り替えながら発展する城下町や四季の変化の美しさを楽しむことができます。■登録武将名は、ランダム設定となります。ご了承ください。■対応OSやWi-Fi環境等、動作をご確認いただけるよう、30分のお試しプレイをご用意しております。ご購入前に、お試しプレイで動作確認を行ってください。30分のお試しプレイ後、ご利用いただくには使用権のご購入が必要です。■「拡大・縮小モード」付!ボタンのタップでモードの切り替えができます。【アプリ終了についての注意事項】■次の状況でアプリは終了します。・バックグラウンドにて15分以上経過・無操作状態が3時間継続・最大連続プレイ時間(18時間)到達・使用回線の帯域不足等が発生※ゲームプレイ中はこまめにセーブすることをお薦めします。※お試しプレイ中、セーブ機能はご利用いただけません。*-*-*-*-*『信長の野望・創造 with パワーアップキット』について【軍団制や外交を大幅強化!進化した”多面作戦”が生む圧倒的なリアリティ!】盟主となり全国の大名と共に戦う「連合」コマンドや個性豊かな軍団長を束ね指揮する「配下軍団制」など新システムを導入。各地の勢力と連携し、配下軍団を手足のように操ることで、関ケ原の戦いのような全国規模の大決戦が可能に!【縦横無尽に部隊を指揮!会戦は戦術性を増し、よりダイナミックに!】部隊は自在に操作可能!敵味方多数の部隊が戦場を縦横無尽に駆け巡る!完全新規の戦場マップに加え、要所戦や拠点戦などの新たなシチュエーションも追加。戦場の地形や部隊の配置に応じた指揮をとることで、戦術性の高いダイナミックな戦いが楽しめる!『信長の野望・創造』からのパワーアップ要素 詳細1. システムの強化【内政】◆城の改修が可能に!・天守や出丸など、改修できる設備は7系統37種類!・城ごとに改修できるキャパシティである「用地」が異なり、何を優先して改修するかはプレイヤーの戦略次第・改修により、「力攻めに強い城」、「包囲戦に強い城」、「難航不落の巨城」など土地の形状も活かしながら城を改修していくことが可能に!◆新要素「資源」の登場・資源は全部で9種類。プレイするたびに資源の配置はランダムに変化する。・「製材所」や「採堀場」、「宿場」といった特定の施設が資源を使って建設可能。・資源をいかに活用するかで、城下町の姿も変化する。◆新たな政策・多彩なメリットがもたらされる”政策”。大名家独自のものも含め、10以上の新政策を追加!・勢力の人口に応じて政策の費用が変化するようになっており、小さい勢力でも政策を活用することが可能。【軍団】◆配下軍団制・配下の武将が軍団長として指揮をとる”配下軍団”を作成可能。・配下軍団は、軍団長の「気質」に応じて行動パターンが変化する。・軍団長の気質を見極めながら、攻略目標や支援する同盟国などを指定できる。【外交】◆連合を組めるように・複数の勢力と手を組んで大勢力に対抗でき、大規模な作戦を指揮することも可能。◆朝廷に対して工作が行える・工作を行い信用を高めることで、各種の交渉や依頼が可能。・叙任された官位を家臣に与えることで忠誠を高められるほか、他大名に官位を与えるよう推挙することで外交姿勢を改善したり、 他勢力との和解を朝廷に依頼できたりと、より深みのある外交戦略が可能。◆大名が”征夷大将軍“に就任すると実行可能になる役職コマンド・役職コマンドを使用すると、「守護」や「評定衆」といった幕府役職を他大名に与えることができる。・役職を与えられた大名家は外交姿勢が改善され、毎月徐々に信頼が上昇するなど、まさに特権を利用した外交戦略を展開することが可能となる。◆仲介コマンドでユーザー大名が交戦中の他勢力同士を停戦させることが可能!【調略】◆密談・忠誠が低い敵将に対して、密談をすることで敵将の叛心を高めることができる。◆内通・高い叛心を求められるが、依頼すればほぼ確実に味方にできる。2. 会戦◆進化した会戦・ 3Dマップの部隊の配置や状況が会戦にそのまま反映され、複数の部隊を縦横無尽に操作できるようになったことで、高い戦術性を実現!・マップは地形や陣営によって変化、加えて部隊の配置や天候によって、千差万別の会戦を楽しめる。・拠点前で起こる”攻防戦“や、敵の不意をつく”夜襲“など、特殊なシチュエーションで起こる会戦も追加!◆大会戦・敵味方の部隊が密集している場所では大会戦が実行可能となる。・大会戦では周辺の部隊を巻き込み、最大9対9の部隊が入り乱れる大スケールの戦いを楽しめる。・大会戦では敵の総大将を倒せば敵部隊を一掃することができるほか、敵の武将の家宝や特性を獲得しやすいなどのメリットも!3. 追加要素◆新シナリオ4本追加・信長誕生(1534年)、美濃の蝮(1542年)、九州征伐(1586年)、関ヶ原の戦い(1600年)の4本の新シナリオが追加。その他、天下布武(1567年)、長篠の戦い(1575年)などを含め計20本のシナリオを楽しむことが出来る。◆追加武将は500人超!・新たな武将を加え、シリーズ史上最大の1800人以上の武将が登場!◆姫武将モードを新たに追加・各大名家の”姫”の成人時に”武将”としても活躍できるモードを追加!◆「戦国伝」クエスト追加・クエストも新たに多数追加。会戦中に発生するクエストや、特定の武将にスポットを当てたものも!*-*-*-*-*【注意事項】■本アプリは、常に3Mbps以上のストリーミング通信が発生いたします。通信が不安定な環境ではアプリが正常動作しない場合がございます。通信量が多い事を考慮し、安定したブロードバンド回線でご利用ください。■購入後のキャンセル、返金等の対応はお受けできません。※詳しくは(FAQ/よくあるご質問)をご覧ください。----------------------------【対応OS】Android 4.2 以降(※一部非対応端末がございます)----------------------------【免責事項】1. 対応OS以外での動作につきましては、サポート対象外となります。2. 対応OSであっても、必ずしも最新OSでの動作を保証するものではありません。3. お客様がご利用されているWi-Fi環境(一部の有料Wi-Fiサービス)によっては、ストリーミングで配信されるゲーム映像がカクつくなど、正常にゲームがプレイできない場合は、ご契約中の各Wi-Fiサービスのカスタマーサポートセンターまでお問い合せください。----------------------------【アプリ紹介サイト】©コーエーテクモゲームスAll rights reserved. /© Broadmedia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.---------------■ Regular price 8,000 yen (tax included / no additional charge)■ Free trial play for 30 minutes--------------- [Cloud game] [No need to download large capacity] [App size lightweight] [Wi-Fi recommended] This is a cloud gaming service that allows you to play high-definition games on your smartphone or tablet via a Wi-Fi connection.* Tips for Wi-Fi settings and operation improvement can easily play without worrying about the free storage space of your device.*-*-*-*-* [Game introduction] "Nobunagas Ambition / Creation with Power-up Kit" has been enhanced with new and additional elements added to the 30th anniversary work "Nobunagas Ambition / Creation", which is the monumental figure of the historical simulation game "Nobunagas Ambition"! The player will be one of the Sengoku daimyo and aim to unify the whole country. Not only will you conquer other nations through war, but you will also be able to enrich your nation and thereby use more force. You can check the details by zooming, and you can enjoy the beauty of the castle town and the changes of the four seasons while switching the viewpoint.■ The registered military commander name will be set randomly. note that.■ We have prepared a 30-minute trial play so that you can check the operation such as compatible OS and Wi-Fi environment. Please check the operation by trial play before purchasing. After 30 minutes of trial play, you need to purchase the usage right to use it.■ With "enlargement / reduction mode"! You can switch the mode by tapping the button.[Notes on closing the application]■ The app will be closed in the following situations.・ More than 15 minutes have passed in the background・ No operation continues for 3 hours・ Maximum continuous play time (18 hours) reached・ Insufficient bandwidth of the line used occurs* It is recommended to save frequently during game play.* The save function cannot be used during trial play.*-*-*-*-* About "Nobunagas Ambition / Creation with Power Up Kit" [Significantly strengthen the army system and diplomacy! Overwhelming reality created by the evolved "multi-faceted strategy"!] Introduced new systems such as the "Union" command to become the ally and fight with daimyo all over the country, and the "subordinate corps system" to command the unique corps leaders. By coordinating with the forces of each region and manipulating the subordinate corps like limbs, a large nationwide decisive battle like the Battle of Sekigahara is possible! [Command your troops in every direction! The battle is more tactical and more dynamic! ] The unit can be operated freely! A large number of enemy and ally troops run around the battlefield endlessly! In addition to a completely new battlefield map, new situations such as key battles and base battles have also been added. By taking command according to the terrain of the battlefield and the arrangement of troops, you can enjoy dynamic battles with high tactics! Power-up elements from "Nobunagas Ambition / Creation" Details 1. System enhancements [Internal affairs] ◆ The castle can be renovated!・ There are 37 types of equipment that can be repaired, such as the castle tower and Demaru!・ The "land" that can be repaired differs for each castle, and what is prioritized for repair depends on the players strategy.-By renovation, it is possible to renovate the castle while taking advantage of the shape of the land, such as "a castle that is strong against force attacks", "a castle that is strong against siege battles", and "a huge castle that is difficult to navigate"!◆ Appearance of new element "resource"・ There are 9 types of resources in total. The placement of resources changes randomly each time you play.-Specific facilities such as "sawmills", "horibas", and "posts" can be constructed using resources.・ The appearance of the castle town will change depending on how resources are used.◆ New policy・ "Policy" that brings various merits. More than 10 new policies have been added, including those unique to the daimyo family!-The cost of the policy changes according to the population of the power, and even a small power can utilize the policy. [Army Group] ◆ Subordinate army system-It is possible to create a "subordinate corps" in which a subordinate military commander takes command as a corps commander.-The behavior pattern of the subordinate corps changes according to the "temperament" of the corps leader.-While assessing the temperament of the corps commander, you can specify capture targets and allies to support. [Diplomatic] ◆ To form a coalition・ You can join hands with multiple powers to counter large powers and command large-scale operations.◆ You can work on the imperial court・ Various negotiations and requests are possible by working and increasing credibility.・ In addition to increasing loyalty by giving the appointed official position to the vassals, you can improve your diplomatic stance by recommending that you give the official position to other daimyo, and you can ask the imperial court to reconcile with other powers. Diplomatic strategy is possible.◆ Position commands that can be executed when the daimyo becomes the "Shogun"-By using the position command, you can give the shogunate position such as "Guardian" or "Hyojoshu" to other daimyo.・ Daimyo who have been given a position will be able to develop a diplomatic strategy that makes full use of their privileges, such as improving their diplomatic attitude and gradually increasing their trust every month.◆ It is possible to cease the battle between other powers in which the user daimyo is engaged with a mediation command! [Strategy] ◆ Secret talk・ You can increase the rebellion of an enemy general by having a secret talk with an enemy general who has low loyalty.◆ Internal communication・ You are required to have a high level of reverence, but if you ask, you will almost certainly be on your side. 2. Battle ◆ Evolved battle-The placement and situation of the units on the 3D map are reflected as they are in the battle, and it is now possible to operate multiple units in all directions, achieving high tactical performance!・ The map changes depending on the terrain and camp, and you can enjoy a wide variety of battles depending on the placement of troops and the weather.-Addition of battles that occur in special situations such as "offensive and defensive battles" that occur in front of the base and "night attacks" that surprise the enemy!◆ Tournament battle・ Tournament battles can be carried out in places where enemy and ally units are crowded.・ In the tournament battle, you can enjoy a large-scale battle in which up to 9 to 9 units are mixed up, involving the surrounding units.-In the tournament battle, you can wipe out the enemy troops by defeating the enemy general, and there are also merits such as easy acquisition of the heirloom and characteristics of the enemy warlords! 3. Additional elements ◆ Added 4 new scenarios・ Four new scenarios have been added: Nobunagas birth (1534), Minos 蝮 (1542), Kyushu conquest (1586), and Battle of Sekigahara (1600). In addition, you can enjoy a total of 20 scenarios including Tenka Fubu (1567) and Nagashino Battle (1575).◆ Over 500 additional warlords!・ With the addition of new military commanders, more than 1800 military commanders, the largest in the history of the series, have appeared!◆ Newly added Hime warlord mode-Added a mode that can be used as a "military commander" when the "princess" of each daimyo is an adult!◆ Added "Sengokuden" quest・ Many new quests have been added. Quests that occur during the battle and those that spotlight specific warlords!*-*-*-*-* [Notes] ■ This application always generates streaming communication of 3Mbps or more. The app may not work properly in an environment where communication is unstable. Please use a stable broadband line in consideration of the large amount of communication.■ We do not accept cancellations or refunds after purchase.* For details, please see (FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions).---------------------------- [Supported OS] Android 4.2 or later (* Some devices do not support this)---------------------------- [Disclaimer] 1. Operation other than the supported OS is not supported.2. Even if it is a compatible OS, it does not necessarily guarantee the operation on the latest OS.3. Depending on the Wi-Fi environment you are using (some paid Wi-Fi services), if you cannot play the game normally, such as when the game video delivered by streaming is cluttered, you are under contract. Please contact the customer support center of each Wi-Fi service.---------------------------- [App introduction site]© Koei Tecmo Games All rights reserved. / © Broadmedia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.